Category Archives: Life Story

Project Openness – it’s alive!

Page is at the top there, but here’s the link too if that’s just too far for your cursor to move 😉

The info is pretty much on there, and if you’ve been following at all then you’ll already know much of it.

It’s taken almost 30yrs for me to get any sort of proper diagnosis of the very obvious mental illness I’ve always had to deal with.

Honestly, guys? I have no idea how I even survived this long – it sure hasn’t been for want of trying to destroy myself – but having done so, and having some incredible help and support from friends old and new nowadays, I figure there’s one thing I can do, which needs to be doine. I can talk about it. I will absolutely make myself look terrible, ridiculous, insane, and more in the process – but I’ll do so with two hopes:

1) That somebody else will see, and realise they’re not alone in the things they feel/do/struggle with. This is a thing I never had, and really needed, so here’s my honesty and openness. I hope it helps.

2) That someone may see it and understand better somebody they know who is going through bad things – whatever they may be. I know how hard it is to try and explain to someone when you’re going through the horrible stuff, and how hard it can be to understand someone who is struggling: hopefully I can be of some use there too.

There is of course a secret 3) here, which is that doing this – both the letting out of things, and the (hopefully) helping of people – also helps me. So we’re all good.

2012 – 2013

This year, especially the latter half, has been kinda mental.

It started off looking pretty bad. But somewhere between a breakup, loss of a friend, other people’s soap operas, morphine withdrawal, mental illness going out of control again and my Granny not remembering who I am anymore…somehow this year was still amazing. So much love, so much fun.

At the start of this year, I was on crutches and heavy pain meds. Alright so the surgery wasn’t fun, and neither was the months of morphine withdrawal – but I’d go through that twice more, to keep the ability to walk. It’s not perfect, still some pain especially when cold, but hey – I thought I’d never walk properly again after that motorbike accident! No complaints here. I love being able to walk again, I missed that in so many ways!

I feel like I missed summer, due to the coming off morphine pain meds thing. Months of steadily increasing hell which I got through with the help of a) sheer stubbornness and b) good friends.

My first con – the London MCM Expo in October: I’d wimped out of going to these things for years, all the while wishing I was brave enough to do it and berating myself as I saw the fun everyone else had at them. Finally made myself do it – terrified and all. And it was brilliant! Can’t wait to do more 🙂

The second half of this year, though – I’m amused at how it all links together. With little else to do during withdrawal but pace up and down whatever room I happened to be in, occasionally fall asleep for half an hour on the floor (the only place I could get comfy), and generally try not to go insane, I basically attached myself to my tablet.
So I came across Comediva and their show BAMF Girls Club. Don’t remember how I found that, random browsing I think, but I caught the first episode and laughed myself silly. That’s definitely the best show I’ve seen all year.
In it, though, I recognised America Young – spent ages trying to remember why, and eventually came up with Damsels & Dragons. Some more watching and reading of things later, and both America and Comediva were firmly cemented in my mind as a) helping keep me going through the worst of the withdrawal and b) just…awesomeness.

On twitter, I saw America post something about a film and a livestream and a “Geekify” and Indiegogo and, now out of withdrawal and into the post-withdrawal fatigue, I wandered over to the links to check them out, thought the idea was ace, realised April Wade was also from Damsels & Dragons, found some more of her stuff to watch, realised she was also awesome, and wound up joining in the first ever LiveAThon for The Comcessionaires Must Die.

Now, I’ve talked about this plenty, so I won’t go into it again (especially as I’ll be talking about it plenty more next year) – but it was 3 days of ridiculous fun, where I got to know a lot of people: not just the people crowded into the room where April was being geekified, but in the chat too. Turns out some of the people I got to know in that time are now good friends. As someone who doesn’t make good friends easily (I know many people, few get close) – that’s some serious value right there!
I am looking forward to the rest of the making of the film. That they’re livestreaming everything is intriguing me, and should be interesting to say the least – but again, more on that as it happens 🙂

April has a thing called the Immerverse – and the fun I’ve had so far playing in there is huge! I could have gone into Agnes Day as myself, I could go into The Dying Game as myself – but where’s the fun in that? I’ve spent my life creating characters for stories, games, tabletop – it seemed like a natural extension. Being Stim through Agnes Day was intense and sometimes exhausting, but while I expected some entertainment, what I hadn’t expected was the sheer amount of fun it all was! The Dying Game, and Garrett who I’ve made up for it, promises to be disturbing and awesome in equal measure.

The other thing I was introduced to via America was a film called Quantum Theory, and a repertory film company called 8 Sided Films – including Tennyson Stead and Gerard Marzilli. Now, I have no clue what on earth I did, but in October Tenny asked me to join the team. Still trying to get my head around that – and learn what I need to learn, find time to do all the things I want to do. No small responsibility on my little shoulders to help these guys out – but it’s helped by the fact that everyone in the company is, actually, awesome. Worth every second I spend on it (which is most of my free time, including abandoning social life and sleep).
OK, so writing two dissertations amongst all this is proving to be something of a time-management nightmare, but some things, and some people, are just worth it.

Last mention of America – but let’s face it, she’s managed to make the second half of this year awesome almost singlehandedly – the energy of everyone I’ve met the past few months, and their drive and enthusiasm, has reminded me of my own – which had gotten buried somewhere under all sorts of other crap. I’m not just writing stories, I’m back to craving the telling of them, the 4am waking up with ideas, the dreaming about the characters. The book I’m writing right now was inspired directly by America, and while as yet I’m mostly only letting the working title – ‘Into Darkness’ – out, I will also say that if I can do this properly and not screw it up, it may well be the best thing I ever write, as well as the hardest. Re-releasing some of the older stuff is also keeping me occupied! After the Fairytale comes out digital next month 🙂

Having a good gaming group again is also great – something I’ve really missed since I moved here for Uni. Our GM is brilliant – and where everyone else just narrates their character, when it hits my turn GM and I just get up and act it out. A World of Darkness night feels incomplete without one or both of us coming close to either tears or blows, while doing this 🙂

I am going to be so sad to finish my degree. 4yrs of study, two dissertations, I’ll be officially a proper historian and philosopher, but I love being at Keele – partly for the study/tutors/classes, partly for the friends (both fellow students and staff), partly for the stuff I get to do at the Chapel – mostly drumming and the Tuesday night meditative/quiet prayers, but also like this week where I have keys because I’m the one making the 10:15 service happen while the chaplain is away (and the new chaplain, who will be working with her, hasn’t started yet).
No idea yet what I’m gonna be doing after Keele, but whenever I have to leave there, I’ll be sad – but ready to go when it’s time.

It may sound silly but I’m also looking forward to seeing the psychiatrist next month, getting a fuller assessment to back up the one I had this month, and hopefully an agreement on diagnosis, followed by treatment. Alright, so if he agrees cyclothymia, it means psychotherapy and a lifetime of mood stabilisers, it means trying to find a balance in the meds when everything is constantly shifting. But I’ve already got a lifetime of this to look forward to anyway – if meds and psychotherapy can help me not be afraid of myself, of when I’m next going to lose grip on things and go out of control, and can help me level out and be consistent – I’m in. I won’t lose who I am, get things in balance and I can actually be more the proper me than I’ve ever been for any period of time. The creativity, the energy, the love – all that will stay. The paranoia, the hypermania and depressions and self-hatred and all the rest, that won’t be magically fixed but it’ll be better, and when things start to spin out of control, there’ll already be something there to help.

Right before I graduate I’ll turn 30. I love that people are trying to tease me about getting old, and getting disappointed when I don’t care. Growing older? Sure, can’t escape that. Growing up? Not even begun to happen yet 🙂

I am so excited about continuing to be a part of 8 Sided. About Sass X Acceleration. About Quantum Theory. About all the other things. For the first time I can remember, I’m reaching the end of a year thinking “Hey, that was good. And next year is gonna be amazing!”

Till then – happy new year all!

A study in paranoia

I’m 29yrs old. I’ve had problems with mental illness for as long as I can remember. For the first time ever it looks like I’m not just being dismissed.

I had an assessment yesterday. That was painful stuff – raking up everything from my past; trigger, moods, the lot. Figured I’d be waiting until next week to hear back from the guy, after he’d filled stuff in and thought, etc. Turns out not so much – he called me this morning.

After our chat things now stand thus:

I have an appointment in January with the locum psychiatrist. I could wait for the non-locum one, but that’d take a few months, and he didn’t want to make me have to do that.

Current favourite for what to diagnose me with is Cyclothymia. Kinda like a chronic but milder form of bipolar – in that the moods shift from hypermanic to depression faster, without a period of being levelled out, and this also makes sense of me being able to keep certain things and certain levels of these shifts under control to a certain extent, before they slip out of my grasp – as they have done the past few months.

Being at risk of self-harm, getting something done to help me sooner rather than later is a good plan. So if this psychiatrist agrees with cyclothymia, then it’s probably gonna mean psychotherapy and mood stabilisers. I think the CPN I saw is gonna hint to my GP about them, especially as antidepressants are not the best idea with cyclothymia, but he has no authority to tell her what she should put me on or not, so we’ll see. I go back to her again on the 17th.

So that’s where we are now. In other stuff, I have a deadline which I need to meet for Uni. Cos of other stuff I need to have this thing done to hand in no later than Tuesday morning. It’s not going well so far due to distraction and being on the down side of the mood cycle.

Instead of Uni work I have staring into space, lethargy, and those kinds of things. Best of the lot is, as always, paranoia. It’s my own voice in my head – that’s fortunately not a thing I’ve ever had – that tells me that the people I care about, who sometimes I think care about me, really don’t. At best they pity me, at worst they hate me, either way they just don’t know how to tell me or to make me go away because they’re too nice and/or afraid of what I’ll do to myself or them if they tell me the truth. It also tells me that people are talking about me when I’m not there – sharing bitches and gossip and everything bad about me and laughing at how pathetic I am.
On top of the paranoia we have the self-hatred. I don’t deserve them anyway, all I ever do is hurt people I love, I’m supposed to be alone because that’s all I deserve anyway because I’m a worthless shit. That’s the sort of place the self-harm comes from – but so far I’ve at least resisted that urge. Not sure how – mostly stubbornness, I think.

Part of me is going “This is good, there may be diagnosis and treatment and that’ll help!” while another part of me is going “Yeah, but it means stigma and meds forever and all of that crap.”
Yet another part of me is going “Just fuck it all, you don’t deserve to feel better – you’re like this because it’s what you deserve.”
And a fourth part, “So what if you get helped and feel better? What then? What’s that gonna be like? At least you know where you are when you’re crazy.”
There’s a few more bits too, but those are the main ones.

Mostly today it’s the paranoia. Even when I know I’m doing it, it’s so damned persuasive. I’ve never found a way to counteract this. Possibly that’s partly because if I were to consider asking someone for help, I’d have to do it through screams of “You KNOW they’re only doing it cos they feel they have to, right? They’re gonna bitch about you behind your back – that’s what everybody’s doing already anyway, you know that right?”

It’s so bad that when somebody actually says or does something nice, my immediate reaction is suspicion.

Well, we’ll see how things go. Right now I need to hit that deadline, even if it’s not with anything very good. Unsurprisingly the paranoia and self-hatred not so helpful with this either: because I’m dumb, I’m useless, I’m gonna screw up and fail anyway. And my writing? My fiction? Oh man, don’t even go there with how awful I am at that…

Yeah. It sucks. And I get to watch myself do it and be completely helpless to exert any control. That’s the thing most important to understand here, I think: I have no control over any of what’s happening in my head. Not the moods, not the paranoia, the hatred. I have learned over years of hard work to keep my damn mouth shut sometimes and not say the first thing that comes into it. I have learned, in this way, to keep it all locked away and pummelling at the walls inside my own head, not at anybody else. I’ve done the lashing out at others thing (verbally, not actual violence – never that) and I won’t do it again.

Hopefully this time is the time when my repeated attempts to ask for help are finally listened to. So far it looks like maybe, but experience has taught me never to trust that. So we’ll see.

Confessions of a personality disorder

Potential trigger warnings for self-harm, depression, etc


I keep a lot to myself. I’m told I come across as open and, sometimes, painfully honest. To a point, this is true. I’ll talk about things, bad and painful things, as events that have happened. What I rarely do is go into detail, talk about how things affect me. What I also rarely do is talk about what goes on in my head most of the time.

Ever since I was a kid I’ve had what my mum used to term “black moods”. She used to tell me I was spoiled, seeking attention, and just needed to stop and cheer up, etc. It’s kind of a family trait – on both sides – to ignore, dismiss, and generally not acknowledge.

It wasn’t until about 7yrs ago, after the death of my Grandad topped off a bunch of other stuff to trigger me into the worst time of my life, that anyone paid enough attention to what I was trying to say about what happened inside my head to realise something was actually really wrong.

Unfortunately, one of the things wrong with me was self-harm, which nobody wanted to deal with, so after getting shunted between all the departments because nobody wanted to deal with me, I’m just incredibly lucky in the friends I’d found. People who barely knew me at the start, but still saw beyond what was going on, ignored my attempts to push them away, and just stayed there for me.

Alright, it’s been 5yrs since I cut – and though I’ve come incredibly close to doing that again, I haven’t. But there are more ways than one to harm yourself, and my thing has always, always been to turn everything inward on myself. So there’s always a constant low-level stream of self-beration, even on my best ever day. When I get really bad, as I have again recently, that gets very loud and very vocal.

Everything in the world that I suspect about  myself, everything I fear about myself, everything that would hurt me if somebody said it to me – these are the things that run on a loop around my head 24/7 at the moment. Everything bad I’ve ever done – or think I’ve done, or may possibly have had some vague relation to me: I get all the blame, and I get it in the most vicious ways I can summon up. Ways in which I would never even dream of speaking to someone else, and would probably jump and defend even a total stranger against.

My love for the world is immense. My hatred for myself at times like this is the exact mirror-image. Everything I do comes down to those two things.

I want to bring people closer, because I love them. But because I don’t deserve them, or I’m sure I’ll hurt them, or just to punish myself for existing – I then try to push them away or hide from them. I have more control than I used to, but still my first instinct is always to retreat into my own darkness and keep everyone else out. It’s selfish, it’s indulgent, and I know it – but it’s no more a choice than breathing. I can’t help it, it’s just something my brain does.

Same with the other side. The mania, well to a point I can channel that into writing, chatting, essays, work, games, whatever. I can funnel the energy, I can hide inside characters and other worlds, anything until it eases up a little. But there’s a point beyond that, where I can’t do anything except jitter, stammer, pace up and down. I want to just go for a walk, but the thought of there being other people outside freezes me to the spot. I want to sleep, but my body and my mind won’t let me. Again: I have no control over this.

I have this picture of a letterbox – it’s like a widescreen film. Between the two halves are the extremes of my moods, up and down. Where those letterbox halves are for most people is a place I never see. Where they are when I’m under control is about a quarter of where they are when I;m not. Right now they’re so far apart I can only see one from the other when I go all the way round in a circle.

Basically the thing I need is the ability to control those halves, keep them close enough together that my ups and downs are controlled well enough to allow me to live my life.

I know that the self-hating thing I do damages me constantly. I also know how much the people I love hate it – it’s why they only ever hear the tiniest amount of what really goes on in my head, though I know most of them suspect the depths of it.

What now? Well, I’m back on meds again – as a tool to help compress that letterbox in order for whatever else is going on to be dealt with, they’re helpful when we find the right stuff. I know amazing people, who I am fighting not to retreat from – sometimes by talking at them far too much. I have understanding tutors at Uni. I have a wonderful chaplain there too. I have stories to write. I have fun things to do for people. I sometimes even have the energy and will to actually do some of them.

I also have an appointment this Thursday for an initial review. That words like “Borderline personality disorder” are once again being thrown into the mix terrifies me. The idea of putting myself out there again and risking being rejected by the people who are supposed to be helping me – terrifies me. Sitting here writing this – terrifies me.

Terror and panic are the theme of the day – but amongst other things I’m both stubborn and contrary. It’s how I keep from retreating from everyone when that’s all I want to do, it’s how I keep going, it’s why I’m being more open than I’ve ever been before and putting it out to the world. At best, there’s at least the chance that somebody else might see they’re not alone. At worst, I’m talking into empty space.

I don’t want any of this. I don’t want the depression, I don’t want the mania. I don’t want the self-hatred or the fight that lasts all day, every day.

But I have these things and more. So I’m going to talk about them. And deal with them. And keep on being stubborn. Somehow, I will get through this again – and it’ll mostly be due to amazing friends, to whom no amount of repayment will ever be enough. And, yes, I will also beat myself up about that.

I can’t help it. I can’t stop. All I can do is force myself to keep talking.

Wednesday night is mostly going to be spent doing paranoia over the appointment on Thursday. Thursday, not sure yet, depends how appointment goes. Expect a lot of up and down, some silences or random posts about everything else under the sun followed by more of this. You know, just pick and choose what you want to read – I’ll always be clear about which the mental illness posts are.

For now, I have an essay to try and finish….

The internet did misogyny again. I did not approve.

There are times when I know I should probably shut up or risk getting flamed. There are times when my initial reaction to things is anger. These are times when I usually make sure I don’t shut up, because I don’t anger easily, and there’s a reason when it happens.
Yesterday the Internet made my head explode on 3 different topics. Two of them are connected, if not directly linked events.

Before we go any further, read these posts:
Topic: “Fake” Geek Girls, by Amy Ratcliffe
In response to the Tony Harris rant, read Jessica Mills post:

On the topic of coercive sex vs consensual rape: read Kate Conway‘s blog – but ONLY if it’s not going to be a trigger for you!:

All read? Good. Now tell me with a straight face that things are equal between men and women. Tell me with a straight face that feminists are overly sensitive.

Let’s talk female geeks then, shall we? The geek world is a great place to be. I’m happy to be a geek. I’m happy to have gone through all the crap I got for it growing up, and happy to see my 11yr old niece be just as much a geek as I was but without the hassle.
I have friends who are all levels of geeky and not geeky. I love this. There is no judgement between me or any of the people I know, about the things we like, about the things we know or don’t know. There’s some teasing, sure, but no judging.

Guess what! I don’t know much about superhero comics. I’ve seen Star Wars, but I never felt the need to own them. I tend to prefer books over films – and that goes to everything from LoTR to Shakespeare. I love all the Fable franchise. I can’t wait for the new DMC reboot. I grew up watching Buffy, Xena and Babylon 5 and I love the strong women I got to look up to and model myself on. I also grew up watching musicals – and I adore West Side Story every bit as much as Rocky Horror. I’m a bit of a techie, I love my gadgets, I built my own gaming pc, I own an Xbox, PS3 and 3DS and don’t have the time to play on them all!

I also play 5 different types of drum. Most of the playing I do – I do for my University chapel. Oh yeah, I’m also 30 next May, right after I finish the two dissertations I’m writing for my dual honours BA in History & Philosophy.

I like to randomly tell the people I love that they’re awesome and make the world a better place – because they make my world a better place.

I have an endless fascination with the female genders benders of the 18th-21st century. Whenever I can find a good excuse, I love to copy their style.

I went to my very first comicon last month. And I cosplayed as an obscure thing – an NPC from the World of Darkness game I’m in with some friends. Why? Mostly because I got to be a dashing, handsome, evil vampire. Also because I got to draw facial hair on myself with face paint (and just as a side note – that doesn’t give you the right to approach me in a threatening manner to call me a dyke).

I’m really, really not a fan of manga. Like, at all. But I love board games, card games and tabletop rpg.

Are we getting a picture? I am a whole human being, who has interests and likes and hobbies and opinions. I don’t know everything. I don’t like everything. There’s not enough time in the world for me to catch all the things I want to, never mind everything else!

So, am I a fake because my interests run in a different direction to somebody else? No. I’m not.
Yes, there may be some girls who dress up in tiny outfits and pretend to like stuff they don’t. What their reasons are? Don’t care. Doesn’t matter. How does it help anybody to judge them, slam them and rant about them?Even if they are there for attention or validation or whatever else you think they might be there for – so what?! It doesn’t harm you in any way. It doesn’t de-validate the things that you love.
But wait! Is it just possible that they might be open to exploring some of the stuff you love, if you just opened your mind and got to know them instead of judging them?

Oh and also – is it possible you’re judging when you shouldn’t be because you assume that every girl could only possibly be pretending to be a geek for some nefarious reasons known only to herself? Why so defensive? Why so quick to judge and assume?

Maybe, just maybe, the problem is not the females you’re judging. Maybe, just maybe, the problem is your attitude to women. Maybe you need to brave your own mind for a while and check that possibility out. Because maybe the problem is actually you.



Which brings me neatly to the coercive sex issue: Trigger warning again

I’m a lucky one in that most of the guys I know look at things like this and have the same reaction as I do. I know good guys. I recently had a completely unprompted conversation with a young fella who wanted my advice on where the coercion line was – the fact that this is a guy who is so gentle he couldn’t coerce anyone into anything even if he tried notwithstanding, that conversation was a great one to have. Why? Because it shows that at least some people are thinking about it. Some people are aware that coercive sex is not the same as consensual sex. Some are aware that the best thing they can do is ask a woman they trust, and then listen.

The world has improved somewhat since 2004 when I was raped. But it still never fails to make me angry when I remember that the police who were supposed to be there to help me afterwards rewrote reality, informed me of their version of my story, and beat me around the head with it until I growled acceptance and kicked them out, realising it was pointless.
They decided for me that because I was a lesbian, who willingly admitted never sleeping with a man, that after a couple of drinks (literally – two beers), I decided to let the total stranger who happened to be driving my taxi into my living room and after some persuasion, agree to have sex with him because I was curious. I then regretted it and reported him for rape. Because I’m that much of a crazy bitch, apparently.

The fact that this new reality came with comments along the lines of “So he knows where you live, if he raped you, he could come back with friends” meant that I slept with a knife under my pillow for a long time. And when I say slept, I mean stayed awake until I was too exhausted to not sleep and then crashed into nightmare-filled sleep.

For the longest time I couldn’t forgive myself. I spent years trying to work out some things:
1) Whether the fact that I was friendly and chatting with him had somehow caused this to happen. There is no sense to this because that’s how I am with everybody, ever, but I wondered anyway.
2) Was the fact that he had picked me up in the taxi from a gay club somehow part of the reason? Was this a “corrective” rape, or some sort of sick bastards fantasy?
3) By far the worst thing of all – why, in the name of every bit of strength and stubbornness I posses: why was I unable to scream and fight?

The answers I have reached as of today?
1) Maybe it did. Maybe he decided I was flirting, for some reason. I’ve been accused of flirting before when I was just being or nice or complimentary, so sure. Maybe he thought I was. But the leap from that to what happened? No. There is no causal connection that makes any kind of sense. I’m a friendly person, I like to chat. Nobody else has ever decided that was an invitation to pin me down to the floor by my neck and rape me.
2) Maybe the friendly and the gay club and the jeans and t-shirt outfit et al – maybe these things were related. Maybe he decided he could fix me. Maybe he got off on it. Maybe both. Maybe something else along those lines. Don’t know, doesn’t matter. He made the choice to do what he did. I did not invite it.
3) This one I still struggle with. It was years before I faced it enough to talk about it with others who had been raped. Know what I found out? I’m not the only one who has the crushing guilt about not being able to fight back. It’s a pretty common thing, but nobody ever talks about it. See something on tv about rape? In a book? She’s always fighting. Because somehow we can’t believe that this would happen to a woman and she wouldn’t fight back. Rape is a power thing. Your power gets removed. Without your power, it doesn’t matter how strong you are, how decisive you are, how powerful you should be. Once you’re in that position of submission, your power is gone. You can’t fight.

I suspect that this lack of fight can make coercive sex look consensual sometimes. But if you’ve pushed someone to that point where you’ve taken their power and they can’t fight? You’re in the wrong. The word “No” is not a challenge. Persistence doesn’t get you prize in this one. It makes you a rapist. And yes, there may be some levels of difference between violent rape and coercive rape – and you can go ahead and argue that if you like. But those levels don’t apply to the woman who goes through it. To her, it was rape. There is no grey area.



These two issues are related in my head because they come from the same place. They come from an attitude towards women that should not exist. Women as nothing more than sex objects – to be looked at with suspicion if they seem to be enjoying the things you enjoy; to be used as sex toys because you got horny on power and forgot that there was a person behind the body.

8 Sided Films

So, I’ve been a teensy bit busy and only just gotten around to sitting down and writing this.

Now I’m here, however, allow me to introduce you to 8 Sided Films.

Here are some of the nicest and most talented people I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. Here are the people I’ve been fangirling over for a while. Here are the people that I now get to help out properly, by being the random extra in the background, trying to make sure as many people as possible see how awesome they are.

8 Sided is, in the words of boss guy Tennyson, a “repertory film company”. You know the theatre companies, where it’s always the same core cast, and they bring in extras or wander out to do other things, but remain a core, close-knit group? That’s what 8 Sided is. Webtv, movies, theatre, tabletop rpg – there’s a bit of everything happening inside and out!
Yeah, ok, so I’m doing this while writing two dissertations and other final-year Uni assignments. My social life and my hobbies, not to mention my sleep, are taking a serious hit. I suspect my veins are currently running caffeine, rather than blood. And I don’t remember the last time I wasn’t doing at least 3 things at once or took a day off to just rest.

But hey, some things are worth that. And these guys? These guys are most definitely worth it.

Current top project is Quantum Theory – which is also on Facebook and Twitter.

Here’s the 8 Sided Twitter account.

Come say hi, meet the cast and crew. Also: read more about Quantum Theory. Because trust me, it’s going to be an amazing film.

Best thing about doing this stuff? I don’t have to do anything but tell the truth! Awesome people, amazing script – fact and fact.

Also, I’m, basically just doing what I do anyway, just in an extended fashion. It’s good. And there are good things happening – currently in a mostly quiet fashion, but stick around! And come find us on those links!

That’s absolutely all I have time for today. Take care folks!

Self Harm awareness

I confess to being very distracted and sidtracked by work, Uni, illness, and the rest of life! But the rest of the vlogs for the My Story section are up and ready for viewing!
Playlist here:

My main blog is here, but do please check out my contribution page:

This is when I start endlessly thanking everyone I can find. Here’s a few for now, and they will be re-thanked and the list will be added to later!!

Jessica Mills – who you can find at and on twitter at @geekyjessica. For sharing of links and general support and coolness.

To somebody who wishes to remain an anonymous donor. He knows who he is, and much thanks for his support and extra top secret contribution 😉

To April and America, who are also supporting and sharing links and being generally awesome and lovely as always. Check out their current project The Concessionaires Must Die.

That’s pretty much all for now. Doing this, telling this story, has been a combination of terrifying, uncomfortable, cathartic, fulfilling, and more terrifying. Even with my determination to be as open as I can be, and my level of stubbornness, doing things like this is far from easy. What I keep at the front of my mind is this: if I can do it and help somebody else not have to; help somebody else be understood, not go throguh what I did; help somebody else understand so they can support a person that needs them: then any terror and discomfort I feel has been far outweighed by the good that I’ve managed to do.

Basically, if I decide it’s worth it, I’ll do whatever I have to. Stupid, scary, painful, insane – whatever it takes. And this? This is way more important than any amount of me going “Oh no, scary vlogs”. And I say this despite being seriously depressed right now after going through all my story like this. If it helps one person, it’s worth it.

Next on the tasklist is to talk about self-harm itself. Now my story is told, I can do this. I’m hoping to get some other people to talk to me – others who have/do harm, some people who have helped harmers (some of my own friends especially for that one). If you know anybody who might be willing to chat to me – anonymously and everything – please put us in touch.


I have worked out over the years that the bouts of nightmares I’ve been prone to all my life turn up when I’m stressed, worried, depressed, trying to hide from things that are bothering, etc. If I let it get bad enough, they turn into night terrors.

I don’t just have an overactive and vivid imagination, I have one that has the ability to turn anything it likes to its own purpose: from funny to scary. So when I get nightmares, they’re full-on, surround sound, terrifying. What type they are varies, but the intensity starts in the red zone and gets worse. What hasn’t helped over the years is gaining some real nightmare stuff to dream about too.

I wake up sometimes and I open my eyes and I still see the nightmare I was having. Or I still hear it, or feel it, or smell it. And worst of alI remember it because these things do not like to fade, as most dreams – good or bad – are supposed to do.

There’s these moments when I genuinely don’t know if something actually happened or not. Friends I’m close enough to will get messages sometimes, either to talk out the scary thing my head just did, or to make absolutely certain that they’re ok because I just dreamed that everyone I love got slaughtered right in front of me. Before surgery on my leg I had many dreams where I was suddenly missing a foot. Every time someone I love is pregnant, I start having dreams wherein I hurt the baby. My rapist doesn’t stop at a single rape, he kills me, or returns with friends. I might randomly get eaten by a pack of wolves because I’m editing a book which features werewolves…

Well you get the picture, and it sucks. Sleep avoidance is good, and I do a lot of that anyway, but eventually I have to sleep. Right now the pile of things giving me stress, worry, grief, etc is big and growing bigger. So: nightmares again.

There is one good thing that I get from this: my nightmares make some freakin’ amazing horror stories!

Morphine withdrawal. Like fun, only not!

Ok, so in March 2008 I had a motorbike accident. I was – note well – wearing a full face helmet plus armoured jacket, boots and trousers, and heavy gloves. For this reason only, when the front wheel locked and the gust of wind knocked me sideways, making my left foot slip off the peg and hit the road at about 35mph, as I bounced (and I mean this literally: 3 full bounces, each with its own backflip) down the road, hitting my arms, legs, head and shoulders, the only injury I got was the initial one. When my foot hit the road my leg snapped back and my knee and the top of my tibia was smashed.

Cue lots of screaming, hospital, about 9hrs in surgery making the jigsaw that was my bones fit back together-ish with the help of a large plate and a lot of pins and screws. Pain, recovery, physio, etc later, fast forward a while; basically I wound up unable to get very far without a walking stick and a lot of of pain. The pain meds got ramped up, I decided to go to University at 26, and within a few months I was needing crutches to get around at all as I was no longer able to control how much I could or couldn’t do in a day. Wintertime, come the ice and snow, everyone quickly figured out that I would not be appearing due to a) leg not working at all and b) slippy surfaces being a very bad idea!

There was more surgery, and finally earlier this year the metalwork was taken out. Now, that itself doesn’t account for all of this, but that’s another topic: once recovered, I was walking again without any aids at all, without any pain. Not good as new, but good enough.

So, that’s the back story in as short a way as I can manage it (hey, if I didn’t talk too much I wouldn’t have a blog, ok?).

The next bit should be fairly obvious: I started to come off the morphine. I was on a 12hr slow release 60mg/hr pill, twice a day, plus oramorph if needed. This is not horrendous, but it’s still fairly heavy: and as a person who is sensitive to side effects of all medicines, I knew it was going to be pretty bad.

The first drop down was to 50%, 30mg/hr. This wasn’t too bad; I got mentally and physically hyperactive, my body clock immediately shifted to going to bed at 3, 4 or 5am and waking up at 9/10am, and I started getting restless – but only a little, I could still control it enough to sit still, concentrate, etc. Just barely. I took up smoking again after some experimentation showed me that it helped with the hyperactive thing, and found that a single paracetamol would settle down the beginnings of the restless limbs. I went from constipation, caused by the morphine, to mild diarrhea for the first 2/3 days.

Two weeks later, down to 20mg/hr. All the symptoms above, but getting worse. Getting fairly tired from the insomnia, but trying to remain awake during the day so I could try to sleep a little at night, the single paracetamol was now 2 paracetamol, and I was starting to fail at concentration and focus. Was watching dvds instead of reading, and my Uni dissertation work went out the window. 3 hours sleep for an exam, during which I fidgeted nonstop for 2.5hrs, and I was realising that this was going to be fairly bad. But, still more to go.
I was also starting to discover that my usual comfortable sitting/lounging positions were no longer comfortable. In fact, nothing was particularly comfortable. It was at this point I begin to start sitting/lying on the floor, and it was about now that my brain started to send out phantom pain signals to my leg to try and tell me I still needed the morphine.

Another two weeks, down to 10mg/hr. All of the symptoms doubled in severity. I was now spending my nights throwing myself around on my bed, feeling like there were bugs crawling around my muscles, unable to focus on anything at all, or sit still, and starting to pace whatever room I’m in just to move my limbs and ease the pain and spasms just a tiny bit. And there was still worse to come. By now the diarrhea was regularly scheduled for 1-2hrs after I ate anything, and if I didn’t eat because it made me feel like throwing up, then it happened anyway. So food was out and I was snacking on whatever I can stand to taste or smell, and when I did finally collapse into sleep in bed it was for no more than a hour or two at a time. The phantom pains were worse, and down my whole leg.

Next stop, 5mg/hr. Same as above, but once again twice as bad. Starting to dread the cold turkey part because I was starting to see dots in front of my eyes and things moving just out of sight; fighting the urge to tell my housemates, and the world in general, to f*** right off, and trying everything I can find just to see if it helps – but nothing does. No sleep, legs are twitching and spasming and full of bugs, biting and crawling around, and those phantom pains are worse again and now in both legs.

Finally, nothing. No morphine at all. Stuff gets so unbearably bad over the first 48hrs that I took a dose of oramorph to see if it helped, and if it did then I could use it with longer and longer intervals until it was over. But by this point, unsurprisingly, it didn’t touch anything, and I suspect I may have reset the cold turkey by trying it.
So now I was collapsing in utter exhaustion for a couple of hours at night, waking up wishing I had just died in my sleep, spending most of my time either pacing up and down or trying to get comfy on the floor, where I was now happy to fall asleep whenever possible. Could barely eat anything, and my digestion was still ejecting everything it could find, and my legs and arms were twitching, spasming and hurting without cease. Absolutely nothing helped except distraction: so I was watching everything I can find that might do that. Fortunately there’s some really good stuff around online and in my dvd and music collections, so for the odd moment I was able to laugh/get involved in something, or lose myself in music/dance around the living room when it was empty (instead of pacing). Fortunately I also have some amazing friends, who were also able to make me laugh. This helped my brain just enough to keep me from screaming nonstop, but nothing helped the withdrawals.

By far the worst bit was the crawling, biting bugs burrowing into my muscles and bones. There is no way to fully describe this to someone who hasn’t felt it, but it’s constant, it’s painful, it’s maddening, and it makes every second of every day last about a year. I went up to a friend (and kids) on the train, I think the vibration helped a little because it improved a tiny bit and then went very bad again later that night. Fortunately friend is very understanding and fantastic, and did everything she could, including making me laugh whenever possible. I came home for a day, saw a friend for coffee: another who is good at making me laugh (I’m fairly sure this is equal parts knowing that I will always find it in me to have a chuckle, and making themselves feel less helpless), then went off down to stay with more friends (and kids), once again of the knows me really well, understanding, able to make me laugh type. So there was a few more days of wanting to die, and having my morale kept up, and just on the day when I couldn’t take any more and was prepared to find a doctor and beg for something to make it a little easier, I woke up and it was a little bit better! 12 days of living in hell, but a few more days before the bugs went away entirely.

Of course, I still have the insomnia, and the random hyperactivity. My muscles occasionally have a fit of twitching which makes me look like a broken Thunderbird, my legs are still a little restless and I’m not able to be as calm as I normally am, to sit and concentrate and focus on things. My limbs, when moving, feel like ten-ton weights. I lack motivation for…most things and am stubbornly bullying myself into getting out of bed in the morning. I’ve cleared the house of all remaining morphine because the temptation to take it again whether I want or need to or not is quite strong. Any sort of exercise makes me achey, although it does help the exhaustion a little. And I’m dreading having to start back at Uni again because I’m gonna spend the next few months depressed and exhausted while my brain re-learns how to produce all the stuff that’s been either replaced or repressed for so long.

Fortunately #1: My Uni is very supportive and my personal tutor is ace, as are all my subject and dissertation tutors (some of them being the same people). They’re aware of history and current, and so I don’t need to worry if I’m struggling with my work, because I know they’ll help.

Fortunately #2: I have, as previously mentioned, amazing friends. They are supportive, they are understanding, and they will bully me me mercilessly if I ask them to in order to make me do stuff.

Fortunately #3: I’m good at depression. Long years of practice. So I know what to expect-ish, and how to make some attempts to counter it. Doesn’t make it easy, but it makes it less bewildering.

Fortunately #4: I got through the worst bit, I will not be that helpless and death-wishy again. This post-withdrawal stuff: it will go away, and I’ll be back to my normal self, only with walking ability!

To those friends who have been supportive: thank you, many times over. I love you lots 🙂
To the people who are still sharing my happy on being able to walk again: *cheesy grin*
To my tutors at Keele Uni: I could not have gotten through to my final year without your help.
To anyone reading this: I may yet talk about this more, but I thought laying out the basic timeline, and the fact that the hell does end, was worth doing. I found a lot of help in reading the experiences of others coming of morphine, heroine, etc., so I wanted to add my voice to the crowd.

For both reference and thanks, during the hell I have mostly wound up watching Xena: Warrior Princess, Comediva, Geek & Sundry, My Damn Channel, Teal Sherer, World of Heroes (particularly Mask & Cape) and Husbands. Aaaaand listening to music by: Amanda Palmer, The Ark, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Marcella Detroit/Marcy Levy, Pink and Cockeyed Ghost/Adam Marsland.
If they didn’t before (many did), all these people/projects/things now own a special place in my heart. Because seriously, my sanity is a thing that is questionable at best, so helping me keep a tiny shred of it? Not a small deal!

OK, longer post than I normally like to write, but it was either that or split it in half which seemed a bit daft. Less depressing stuff next time. Probably 😉